A place to write New Rules
adrian crawford
Adrian Crawford is a skilled entrepreneur with a passion for people, and more specifically, empowering individuals to live authentically. Adrian weaves his experiences as a father, athlete, entrepreneur, and pastor to evoke new ideas and perspectives. He inspires, builds, and leads community-focused initiatives designed to facilitate restoration and reconciliation. Throughout his career, he has undertaken numerous startups. In 2007, he founded Gamespeed Basketball, a high-level skill development company based out of Tallahassee, Florida of which he sold in 2018. He also founded Gamespeed Nation, a non-profit that provided a world-class basketball training academy for the youth in low-income areas and neighborhoods. He is the founder and Pastor of Engage Church, a seven-year-old church, which is in the top ten percent of growing churches in the nation. He is also the CEO of New Rules Collective, a company that empowers individuals who are devoted to human flourishing. As a Connector, Adrian uses his creativity fueled by his passion for people and the community that he serves, to connect people in meaningful ways that result in impact and resolve across the various businesses, within the diverse cultural landscape of his city (Tallahassee, FL) and abroad.